Павильон на воде / Pavilion on the water

Миры Эль Лисицкого / Worlds of El Lissitzky: Jelena Jovanovic. Павильон на воде / Pavilion on the water

Павильон на воде / Pavilion on the water
г. Новосибирск
2013 г.

Павильон на воде

Идея - превратить рисунки 2D в пространственную инсталляцию, которая может служить выставочной площадкой. Павильон располагается на воде и создаёт центральное место в городе, формируя городскую площадь.

Pavilion on the water

Monument El Lisicki was inspired by his famous graphics. The idea was to turn their 2D drawings create a spatial installation which will also have an exhibition character. Acts el Lisickog reflect the accuracy and clarity of form, therefore, the two coils are also exhibiting the canvas on which to depict his works. The entire space is designed as an interactive, where visitors can enjoy the works of Constructivism and Suprematism, and also where they can share their views. The pavilion is set on the water, which also creates a central point in the city tissue, formed as a city square.

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