Павильон с водопадом / Pavilion with a waterfall

Миры Эль Лисицкого / Worlds of El Lissitzky: Aldo Gabriel Dias Garcia. Павильон с водопадом / Pavilion with a waterfall

Павильон с водопадом / Pavilion with a waterfall
г. Новосибирск
2013 г.

Миры Эль Лисицкого / Worlds of El Lissitzky: Aldo Gabriel Dias Garcia. Павильон с водопадом / Pavilion with a waterfall

Pavilion with a waterfall


The simple things also could have the sense of beauty straight lines that are cutting by walls and capricious straight objects ended by water sheets that sing and speak during his falling.

This project is defined in 4 geometrical bodies wich are BODY 1 that is rectangular portal wich is supported by two walls of 35.o cm width, the BODY 2 is a geometrical screen wall of 35.0 cm width with 10.00 mts in it's taller point the width of the screen wall could be bigger just few centimeters depending of structural design, next to this body 2 there is BODY 3 a flat slab of 35.0 cm thickness supported just with body 1 and body 2 and no more support columns in the endings boundaries or in the center, next to the body 1 is located a pergolas supported in This same body 1 embedded in cantilever two of this pergolas will be used by a water fall or curtain of water that wich water will be end in a reflecting pool of 60.0 cm deep.

The structure of this entire complex will be of reinforced concrete the slab will be of the type waffle slabs. The texture of this geometric structures will be made by mortar sand-cement in proportion 1:4 finished washed by sponge the sponge, give to the mortar a fine texture and recovered with painting, colors are optional, the screen wall could be of exposed concrete.

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