Architects of Invention

Architects of Invention
London, UK

AI is an award winning international partnership practicing contemporary architecture, urbanism, and design led by Nikoloz Japaridze and Simon Gatehouse. To accommodate a range of projects throughout the world, AI maintains offices in London and Tbilisi. Practice was established in 2010 in Georgia and it is one of the first internationally acclaimed consulting firms in the Republic of Georgia. Since its establishment in 2010 AI has completed 9 buildings in 9 years and produced more than 100 projects and collaborations.

The practice has good international experience contributing to project in Chile, Switzerland, Germany, Canary Islands, Seychelles, India, Russia, China, Czech Republic, France, UK and Georgia. AI has successfully collaborated with many international clients and consultants. Its core consultants’ teams are established in the UK as well as in Georgia. AI has received numerous international awards, has contributed to publications online and in-print, organised workshops and exhibitions. AI thrives to establish itself as a design led, contemporary experimental practice to test many new technologies and engage with new cultures and geographies.

Проект станции московского метрополитена «Проспект Маршала Жукова». НОВАДЭЙС

Проект станции московского метрополитена «Проспект Маршала Жукова». НОВАДЭЙС
Cтанция московского метрополитена «Проспект Маршала Жукова»
г. Москва, СЗАО, р-н Хорошёво-Мнёвники, Рублёво-Архангельская ветка метрополитена
2020 г.
АО «Мосинжпроект»
Проектная организация: 

Деловой комплекс с подземной автостоянкой. Architects of Invention

Деловой комплекс с подземной автостоянкой. Architects of Invention
Деловой центр с подземной автостоянкой
г. Москва, Земледельческий пер, 20А
2013-2016 гг.
ООО «Базис Билдинг»
Проектная организация: