Четыре в одном / Four in one
Четыре в одном
Русский авангард — это разделительная черта между прошлым и будущим искусства. Супрематизм и конструктивизм характеризуются эстетикой, неявно несущей в себе посыл, который должен разбудить общество. Несмотря на то, что мы объединяем различных художников в одном движении, каждый из них внес свой уникальный вклад. Соответственно, мы попытались представить в одном проекте четыре штиха, наиболее характерных для Малевича, Родченко, Эль Лисицкиого и Мельникова — живопись, фотография, скульптура, изобразительное искусство и архитектура.
Four in one
The Russian vanguard marked a before and after in the history of art. Suprematism and Constructivism are characterized by an aesthetic that carry intrinsically a message that was intended to awaken society.
Although we can group different artists within the same movement, each of them brings something new. In this case, we have tried to present in the same work, four strokes, the most representative in its form: Malevich, Rodchenko, El Lissitzky and Melnikov, painting, photography, sculpture-painting and architecture, respectively.
From the crowning work of Suprematism taken to the third dimension, forced serialization of the solid as a photographic nod. Subsequently, with the intention of highlighting the game and the opposition of planes and volumes, each series unity contains all possible sections of a proun leading to negative matter, returning again the solid to the unit through the vacuum. Finally, to keep permanently Malevich’s color, it has resorted to the architecture. From the more characteristic window of Russian constructivism, has created a mesh that illuminates the monument allowing it to be seen from afar. The combination of each element creates a solid bond, leaving some of the details intuit participants in a revolutionary movement.
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