Статика - динамика / Static - Dynamic

Миры Эль Лисицкого / Worlds of El Lissitzky: Daniel Jesus Pereira. Статика - динамика / Static - Dynamic

Статика - динамика / Static - Dynamic
г. Новосибирск
2013 г.

Статика - динамика

Статичность картины плюс динамизм скульптуры в одном объекте - это жизнь, работа и теория Лисицкого, которую он назвал Проун. Два изображения, которые отражают работу и жизнь Лисицкого, были выбраны нами для помещения в городе в качестве живой памяти о нём, как уличный музей. Это сделает их символами города и достопримечательностями, взаимодействующими с городом и его жителями

Одно из изображений - известный фотоколлаж «Бегун в городе» (1926), созданный при проектировании спортивного клуба. Лисицкий соединил в этом изображении три фотографии - бегуна, беговой дорожки с барьером и двойную экспозицию Таймс Сквер. Другая картина - автопортрет художника.

Static - Dynamic

By combining two main concepts, static art and dynamic art, we merge them into one piece. The static of a paint plus the dynamic of a sculpture in a single object was the life, work and theory of Lissitzky, and he accomplished, and name it “PROUN”.(El Lissitzky defined them ambiguously as the station where one changes from painting to architecture.)

Two images that reflect the work and life of Lissitzky were chosen to put them in the city, as living memories and street museums, turning that way into an iconic symbol of the city and as a landmark to interact with the city and citizens.

One of the images is a famous photocollage title “RUNNER IN THE CITY” (1926)that was conceived while designing a new sports club. He combined images of at least three separate elements-the runner, the track and hurdle, and a double exposure of times square-into a single print and then sliced that print into strips. This resulting strips are the starting point of the new “PROUN”.

The other image is a self-portrait of the artist to show him as he wanted to be remembered, it could be any of other famous work but we chose them to illustrate the idea, it could even have publicity on it to support the cause.

Intervene an existing point of view is also the idea because you need to be in a very specific perspective to understand the total image.

The architecture induce to action that is why the PROUN is an active landmark and not a passive one, it can interact with people and with the city because it is not a visual barrier.

The resulting

PROUN consist in creating an object that is both, constructed and deconstructed

It could be anywhere.

It could be everywhere.

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