Чёрный куб на белой плоскости / Black kube on white plane
Чёрный куб на белой плоскости
Следуя художественной идеологии Русского авангарда, все произведения искусства понимаются как взаимоотношения между концепциями формы, материи и цвета, которые неизбежно материализуются.
На тонком основании располагается основной элемент проекта - ЧЕРНЫЙ КУБ НА БЕЛОЙ ПЛОСКОСТИ. Внутри куба - перевернутый фасад русского мегаполиса, спроецированный естественной системой освещения, которая подобна камере Обскура размером 25 х 25 х 25 м. На другой стороне платформы расположено отверстие того же размера. Эта антитеза продвигает идею инверсии, создающей основной объект.
Black kube on white plane
Following the artistic ideology of the russian avant-garde, the total art work is understood as the relationship among the concepts of form, matter and color, which, as an inevitable outcome, gets materializes, inevitably into the constructed element, with an inevitable outcome. This built work should be understood as a structure that mobilize the spectator, originating the fantasy of rotation around an hypothetical center of gravity that absorbs at the end, in their inside, both the visitor and the city, thus establishing new relationships between them; a new look different from the established one, an unusual way of perceiving the world.
This intention fosters the creation of an art work free-of-ties, a monument understood as the addition of simple geometric elements, not as a still statue. A big structure that lifts the russian avant-garde's ideal from the plane to the three dimensions and that aspires to differentiate itself from the traditional concept of sculpture.
The operation is founded on a series of idealistic interventions, with monumental dimensions, suspended on a platform that invite us to see the universe and acts too as a transition element between the urban reality and the new, utopic, space. On this subtly crafted base, the most singular element of this project is arranged, and that is no other than the BLACK CUBE ON WHITE PLANE. Inside the cube, an inverted facade of the russian metropolis is projected by a natural light system inspired by the operation of a pinhole camera of large dimensions – 25x25x25 m.
The comparison at the huge volume accessible to imply the black cub appears, at the opposite extreme of the platform, as an excavated empty in the floor of the same size, inaccessible but the same color and material as the clear platform, a total antithesis that promotes the idea of inversion that is giving in the main piece.
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