Мост / Bridge

Миры Эль Лисицкого / Worlds of El Lissitzky: Hugh Johnston. Bridge / Мост

Bridge / Мост
г. Новосибирск
2013 г.


Проект многофункционального мостового комплекса создан под влиянием работ Лисицкого. Но это больше, чем просто дань уважения одному человеку, проект предполагает создание участка, где сочетается история Новосибирска и создаётся платформа для будущего развития города. Используя существующие элементы города с новыми, предполагается, что проект поможет укрепить связи Новосибирска как в физическом, так и в метафорическом смыслах.

Мост состоит из 9 элементов, который отвечают различным программам и настроениям города и его жителей. Определяющим моментом будет пешеходный мост. Основное внимание уделено передаче чистой эмоциональной абстракции работ Лисицкого, чтобы проект вызывал такое же восприятие. Это создаётся посредством сложного, разнообразного и меняющегося пространства, в котором нет постоянной перспективы или точки отсчёта. В таком динамичном пространстве человек изолирован и раним, силен и заряжен, или даже смирён и удивлён. Сложность пространства создаёт уникальный опыт для каждого человека.

Частью комплекса является Центр туризма и культуры. В самом здании разместятся разнообразные информационные и интерактивные системы, которые предлагают посетителям и туристам узнать о городе и культуре на другом уровне.

Два жилых комплекса призваны решить задачу роста населения и последствий экономических перемен в городе и России. В непосредственной близости торговый центр, который обслуживает местных жителей и жителей других районов. Предлагая разнообразные услуги, торговый центр становится точкой притяжения всего комплекса.

Энергетический сектор использует существующую инфраструктуру города. Совместно с образовательным комплексом, здесь, вероятно, будут вестись исследования в области альтернативных источников энергии. В целом, комплекс создаёт площадку для перемен, реализуя видение Лисицкого, запечатлённое в его проектах, что будет продвигать Новосибирск и эстетику Русского авангарда.


The aspirations of Modernism have the potential to be fully realised in our current epoch due to extreme technological and social developments. With the potential to realise these possibilities, a greater appreciation of Modernism and its development has occurred. The Russian Avant-Garde are established as a pivotal element within the development of Modernism and the thoughts, research and propositions developed at the turn of the previous century are still providing inspiration for the current generations. Lissitzky stands as one of the most recognisable artist of the time for his distinctive style and architectural explorations. It stands, therefore, that it is fitting that a monument be designed to honour him and fellow artists for their provocative and inspiring body of work.

The design process began in an attempt to distil the visual aesthetic of Lissitzky’s Proun series, accumulating in a handful of design parameters. Seeming too abstract and purposeless, it was argued that a realisation rather than a translation would address the challenge and gravity of the brief. Looking further into Lissitzky’s drawings, research and thoughts on the Proun series, a distinct language is drawn out and becomes the defining elements of the proposal. Based on a combination of compositions, the structure is extruded and extracted, forming an assemblage in space. Taking inspiration from the intent of his work as well as the history of Novosibirsk, the assemblage is transformed into a bridge-like structure. The bridge aligns itself with the growth of Novosibirsk as a city, one that is heavily dependent upon the bridge. Linking in with the construction of a new bridge in Novosibirsk, the design proposes a multi-faceted bridging complex extracted and inspired by Lissitzky. Going further than a simple tribute to one man, the scheme proposes a precinct that enhances the history of Novosibirsk whilst offering a platform for the future development of the city. The monument seeks to address some of the unanswered tectonic questions posed by the works of Lissitzky. Through the bridging complex, it is hoped that the monument manifests itself as homage to his ideas, dreams and research as well as that of the other Avant-Gardists. Incorporating existing elements of the city with as well as new programmatic features, it is proposed that the design scheme helps to strengthen the relationships of Novosibirsk both physically and metaphorically.

The bridge itself is composed of nine elements that correspond to different programs and desires of the city and its inhabitants. The defining feature is the pedestrian bridge. The main focus of this bridge is to translate the pure emotional abstraction of the works of Lissitzky into a built composition that elicits the same experience. This is created through a complex, diverse and fluid space that has no fixed perspective or reference point. In such a dynamic space, the individual is isolated and vulnerable, empowered and strong, or even humbled and surprised. The complexity of the space offers a unique experience for every individual and will come to define Novosibirsk. In conjunction with this element is the Tourist and Cultural Centre. Within this building, a variety of informative and interactive platforms provide the opportunity for visitors and tourists to engage with the city and culture on another level. The two residential complexes seek to address the growing population and the implications of economic shift of the city and Russia. In close proximity is the retail centre which caters for the immediate, local and greater populous. Offering a range of services, the retail centre functions as an attractor for the rest of the complex. The Energy Sector extends the output of the existing infrastructure in place in the city. Combined with the Educational Facilities, the two potentially form the basis of a new direction in research and development of alternate energy sources. Overall, the complex provides the platform for change, translating the visions of Lissitzky into an over-arching design implementation that seeks to further Novosibirsk and the appreciation of the Russian Avant-Garde.

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