Концепция «51»

Миры Эль Лисицкого / Worlds of El Lissitzky: Sittichai Chantakrau, Supaluk Praphasiri. "51"

Концепция «51»
г. Новосибирск
2013 г.

Концепция «51» основана на биографии Эль Лисицкого. Он был талантлив в искусстве, дизайне, типографике, фотографии и архитектуре. Проект «51» посвящен важным моментам 51 года жизни Эль Лисицкого и состоит из двух компонент. Первая - архитектура в виде упрощения цифр 5 и 1. Вторая - площадь 51 х 51м. Объект «51» не только станет памятником, но и покажет, как архитектура и площадь могут использоваться для множества общественных функций. «51» создан, чтобы представить супрематизм Эль Лисицкого в современную эпоху.

Front Elevation

The 51 architecture: Welcome

Approach visitors with colorful path in order to introduce Suprematism feeling to visitors. Students’ art work could be exhibited on orange and grey stripes, represented El Lissitzky’s student life and his transitional life before being the avant garde.

Left Elevation

The 51 architecture: Circle of real-time art

It is a multi-purpose art gallery,designed by combining major elements of number 5 and 1 together. Each side of structure could present difference of real-time interactive art. For this side, visitors (outside) will be experiencing parts of (inside) visitors via circling windows.

Back Elevation

The 51 architecture: Stripes of real-time art

For back side, visitors (outside) will be experiencing the real-time art, parts of (inside) visitors with art gallery background, seperated by vertical stripes.

Right Elevation

The 51 architecture: Multi-purpose front stage

The front entrance shows designed combination of number 5 and 1 on architecture. Front plaza is designated to be a multi-purpose area. It can be converted to be a stage for public gathering events; as well as a grand entrance of The 51.

Conceptual Design: The 51 Based on El Lissitzky’s biography, he was so talented in terms of art, design, topography, photography and architecture. The 51 is designed based on important moments of El Lissitzky’s 51-year life and work. The 51 is composed of two components. One is the architecture, simplified from number 5 and 1. The other is 51-by-51 plaza with stripes of ElLissitzky’ life and work. The 51 not only presents itself as an outstanding monument, but its architecture and plaza can also be utilized into many public functions. The 51 is created to represent El Lissitzky’s Suprematism in contemporary era.

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