Красный клин / The Red wedge

Миры Эль Лисицкого: Pau Ristol Roura. Красный клин / The Red wedge

Красный клин / The Red wedge
г. Новосибирск
2013 г.

Красный клин

Проектное предложение — общественная зона, состоящая из двух частей. Одна из них внешняя, что подчёркнуто округлой площадью с большими террасами, набережной вдоль реки, которая разделяет Новосибирск. Другая часть — внутри здания — место для размещения передвижных выставок.

На крыше Красного клина расположены открытые террасы, где летом люди могут встречаться, послушать концерт, посмотреть фильм, полюбоваться окрестными видами и т. д. В комплексе есть зона сервиса, зона приёма, конференц-зал и магазин.

The Red wedge

The emergence of the Russian avant-garde was for try to convince the Russian people to make the revolution against the authoritarian monarchy. This succeed was finally happened at the 1917. The work of art that represents more adequately this objective of the Russian avant-garde was the Lissitzky painting called: “Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge”. This is a symbolic way to explain the necessity that the Russian had to make the revolution. For that reason my proposal is inspired in that painting.

My proposal is a public zone, with two parts. One of them outside that is conformed by a circle square with a big terraces, a promenade around the river that allows look the river that separate the city Novosibirsk and the city. And other part inside the building, a big place to make temporally art expositions.

The Red wedge symbolises the Russian people for Lissitzky, in my project I want that the visitors could be integrated with the red wedge. Outside the Red wedge, on the roof there are terraces where the people can meet to listen a music concert that plays at the square, to watch a film outside in the summer, to look the views, etc. Is a perfect place for Novosibirsk where the citizens can meet on the way multitudinous above all on summer. The people can also go inside the Red wedge, where there is a big entrance, then you can dive in the wedge and go down the stairs to arrive in a big circle room where there are the temporally expositions. In the core there are rooms where there are the services, reception, conference room and a store.

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