Городской парк / Urban park

Миры Эль Лисицкого / Worlds of El Lissitzky: Maikel Menéndez González. Городской парк / Urban park

Городской парк / Urban park
г. Новосибирск
2013 г.

Urban park

Project Description

The work of "El Lissitzky" is a living work and continuity over time, the proposal is to create an interactive element of urban character and that be more than a finished piece, a work in progress and not a finished architectural element. It aims to create an urban park which combine the elements of two and three dimensions and where the empty space play a crucial role the fact to walk between the diferents elements, the forms proposed are direct references to works of the artist. At one end of the park is located a work that refers to one of his best-known works, are two volumes with empty space inside and you can walk inside, his true form is only appreciate from a high point .This piece can be seen from a "platform" that this high on a square staircase with colored stripes to distort its own shape, from this viewpoint or grandstand you can get an overview of the whole.


General measures are 70m x 113.26 m, these dimensions may vary depending on a final location, but the form should continue to maintain a Golden Ratio. The greater height corresponds to the viewpoint - platform and has 18m high.

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