Авангардный куб / Avant-guard cube
Авангардный куб
С внешней стороны здание, которое выглядит как большой закрытый куб, демонстрирует два вертикальных фасада с некоторыми цветными элементами, которые проступают сквозь гладкие грани куба, напоминая супрематистские принципы наложения элементов и принцип белого в контрасте с цветным и черным. Другие два вертикальных фасада гладкие, чистые и белые, представляя собой чистый холст, открытый для экспериментов и созерцания искусства. Белый цвет как символ нового начала с переосмысления самого искусства.
. Памятник, олицетворяющий призыв к массам, должен быть выразительным, значительным и впечатляющим элементом.
. Простое заключает в себе сложное.
. С внешней стороны здания, рассматриваемого как простой куб, видны два фасада с некоторыми цветными элементами, проходящими через грани куба и вызывающими Супрематические принципы наложения элементов, а так же белого цвета, противопоставленного цветным и черному цветам.
Avant-guard cube
Design concept:
Analyzing the Russian Avant-Garde expression in all fields of art, the design concept takes suprematism as inspiration. From a selection of suprematist paintings of Kazimir Malevich and El Lissitzky the design concept has been developed as an abstraction of the paintings isolating some elements that are present on the selected artworks on groups of two, where the first one is a base where the second one is overlaid above one of the basic elements of the previous one. Through this process, the result appears as a new abstract artwork made of many layers of the simple elements taken from the Malevich’s and Lissitzy’s ones. By taking the contour of this overlapped basic forms and extruding them creating volumetric pieces that “build” a kind of constructivist element that become a liveable and useful sculpture where each volume has an associated activity from exhibition spaces to terraces and connections that creates an impressive promenade.
The idea of a monument:
A monument, understood as a call to the masses, must be an impressive, mighty, and imposing element that sends forward a message, an idea, retrieved from the past projecting it in the present time and preserving it to the future generations.
Embracing this concept of monument, the basic idea of the project is to create an impressive element that combine the monumental representation with a practical use, which means to give to a sculptural element an use as a building, where to develop activities related to the cultural background represented by the monumental element itself.
This means that the projection of the monument goes beyond the mere display of the "sculpture", educating through a route across the origins and development of the Russian avant-garde, complemented by different kinds of activities, including workshops and seminars.
To give that significance to a monument make it goes beyond a simple representation, as it creates a feedback between the monument and the visitors, as well as provides the city of Novosibirsk with an important cultural facility. This allows recovering, in a cultural or even in an economical way, the investment made in the project.
Design bases:
The simple is the result of further contents
The simple dialogue with the simple
The simple allows radical contrasts
The simple encloses the complex
The simple shapes establish mutual and complex communication
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